Telemedicine and controversial treatment protocols for different countries

Home Discussion rooms Digital health Telemedicine and controversial treatment protocols for different countries

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  • #225
    Ekaterina Tikhomirova

    The patient is temporary located in one of the European country for work contract, the travel possibility is limited because of COVID restrictions.

    The local doctor finds a rare blood disease with high risk for life. The local doctor prescribes a treatment without a clear explanation of each medicine effect. The patient demands a second opinion in another Eastern Europe country by the means of telemedicine, the consultation is provided by famous doctor in the native language of the patient with a precise check of performed earlier blood analyses.

    The new treatment suggested by second doctor is more complex, with 2 more medicine including every day medical drips of expensive drug. The second doctor insists that the treatment should be started immediately for promising results.
    The patient trusts a second doctor and feels persuaded to perform the treatment.

    The diagnosis from both doctors are the same but the treatments are different.

    The patient goes again to the consultation with the first local doctor ind asks him to prescribe the same treatment. The local doctor is totally against suggested extra measures and explains that it violates existing treatment protocol.
    The patient could not buy the medicine in the pharmacy without a local prescription. The patient could not travel to perform the treatment in another country.

    How could be solved the problem of different protocols for the same illness in different countries?
    To which extend the doctor could follow the will of the patient for the means of treatment?

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